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Export of Products

Export of Yokogawa products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products: pressure sensors, rotameters, vortex flow meters, conductometers, pressure gauges
  • Portable devices
    Portable devices
    TY520, TY530, SA12E, SA150, etc.
  • Laboratory devices
    Laboratory devices
    MS100, MT210, MT220, SL1000, etc.
  • Testing devices
    Testing devices
    AQ6370D, AQ6375, AQ6150, etc.
  • Wireless devices
    Wireless devices
    EJ110B, EJ310B, EJ430B, etc.
  • Management systems
    Management systems
  • Recorders and recorders
    Recorders and recorders
    CX2000, DX1000, DX2000, etc.
  • Local controllers
    Local controllers
    YS1000, UT35A, UT32A, UP750, etc.
  • Indicators
    MLD, MLA, etc.
  • Temperature and current sensors
    Temperature and current sensors
    YTA110, YTA310, YTA320, PK200, etc.
  • Rotameters
    RAGK, RAGN, RAGL, RAQN, etc.
  • Flow meters
    Flow meters
    ADMAG AXF, DY, DYA, etc.
  • Converters and meters
    Converters and meters
    VJA1, VJC1, ML2, VJHF, etc.
  • Gas chromatographs
    Gas chromatographs
    GC8000 , etc.
  • Gas analyzers
    Gas analyzers
    TDLS200, MG8, OX400, DT450G, etc.
  • Liquid Analyzers
    Liquid Analyzers
    FLXA21, PH71, PH72, PH450G, etc.
  • Pressure sensors
    Pressure sensors
    EJX-A, EJX-A, EJA-A, etc.
  • Sensors and holders
    Sensors and holders
    PH20, FU20, DO30, FU20F, etc.
  • Auxiliary equipment
    Auxiliary equipment
    YHC5150X, AM012, etc.


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